Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday June 15th and Thursday June 17th

Thursday June 17th
AMRAP - 15 minutes
6 Shuttle Runs
17 KB Swings
10 Squats

Tuesday June 15th
Sit ups

Skill: Dead Lift

Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday June 12th - Fight Gone Bad (in the park!)

This past Saturday 14 brave souls met us at Ramsey Park to take on the classic "Fight Gone Bad" workout.
Push Press
Box Jumps
Wall Ball Shots
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDLHP)
Burpess (instead of Rowing)

Rounds 1 and 2, 1 minute at each station, Round 3, 30 seconds at each

During the warm up,Tracy shows excellent form and full range of motion (chest to ground) on her push up!
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Tuesday June 8th and Thursday June 10th

Thurs. June 10th
It's Chipper!
20 Pullup
20 Box Jump
20 KB Swings
20 Push Ups
20 MB Cleans
20 Burpees
20 Wall Ball
20 Situps

Tues. June 8th
3 Rounds of:
30 Dummy Jumps
7 Push Ups
10 Hang Cleans

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Morning Workouts are at NEW TIME!

Saturday morning workouts will now begin at 8AM due the heat, see the schedule and pricing page for more information!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Is the pain WORTH the gain?

Of course the answer is YES!  But let me explain.When it comes to making gains in fitness and health, its really not that different from advancing in your career or education, you MUST make sacrifices and choose to do something difficult in order to get what you want or where you want.  A graduate degree takes resolve and long hours or work, and lets not forget money - none of which are easy to part with.  Since January I have been working to improve my pullups - it blows my mind that I can even make that statement. A year ago I didn't even have a pull up so the thought of improving what I didn't have was just a dream.  In February of this year I got my first true deadhang pullup (the last time I could do one was in 1996!) shortly thereafter I got about 5 kipping pullups. Now I want 10, and then's how I plan to do it. (click on that)

Step by Step - what do you want to improve on? And how are you going to get there?

This is one of my hands after 3 sets of 21 kipping pulls (PAIN), they were NOT consecutive, but they WILL be soon!  Eventually my hands won't rip open - GAIN!
Go get what you want!

Tues June 1st and Thurs June 3rd

Thurs June 3rd
AMRAP in 15 minutes of
15 Box Jumps
Farmers walk (20# DBs)
6 HSPU (feet/knees on box modification)

Tues June 1st
"Helen" 3 rounds of
Run 400M
21 KB swings
12 Pullups

Modify as needed with 200M run and/or sub pushups for pullups

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tues May 25th, Thurs May 27th

Thurs May 27th
AB Mat Sit Ups
OH Squats
KB Snatch (3/3, 5/5/, 10/10)

Tuesday May 25th
4 Rounds of:
20 Jump Box
10 Thrusters (DB)
10 Pullups
24 Lunges

With team or partner, can't move to next station until everyone is done.