Monday, April 19, 2010

Week of April 25th

Workout #1
25 Walking Lunges (WL)
20 sit ups
25 WL
20 push ups
25 WL
20 jump rope (or Double under)
25 WL
20 sit ups

Workout #2
50 Squats
50 jump rope
50 Push ups
25 Squats
25 Jump Rope
25 Push Ups
12 Squats
12 Jump Rope
12 Push Ups

Week of April 18th

Workout #1
Run 1 mile for time, rest 3 minutes x 3 (so you run a total of 3 miles with rest between each mile)

Alternatively, depending on your running level
Run 1/2 mile for time, rest 2 minutes x3 (so run a total of 1.5 miles with rest between each 1/2 miles) Melissa and Kaela - 1 lap around Pillow on the side walk is about 1/2 mile.

Run to SET A PERSONAL BEST! Get out of your comfortable speed and give all you have.
I recently did this and ran and 8:22 mile....a year ago my mile time was about 9:30.

Workout #2
2 rounds for time of:
25 sit ups
25 squats
15 burpees

Workout #3
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400m (or 1/4 mile)
50 Squats

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week of April 11th

Hello everybody, I hope you had a great weekend! As promised, this week's work outs are a little more exciting and a little more intense than last week. This week I'm introducing the "burpee", please watch a video on how they are done. (link below) I'll be honest, they really suck at first, but they are an excellent all around conditioning move....enjoy!

Do each work out once, for example on M, W and Friday.

Workout #1
5 rounds for time of:
10 squats
10 push ups
10 jump rope

(in case its not obvious, 5 rounds for time means you do 10 squats, 10 push ups 10 jump ropes and repeat that 5 times. Go as quickly as you can while maintaining form and time yourself. I am thinking workout will take anywhere from 4 to 8 minutes and your done!

Workout #2 (for time do the following "chipper")
20 jump rope (JR)
20 squats
20 JR
10 burpees (see video link below)
20 JR
10 pushups
20 JR
10 burpees
20 JR
20 squats
20 JR

Workout #3
3 rounds for time of:
50 squats
25 situps
15 push ups (if this link doesn't work just Google "burpee video" and you will see a demo of this FUN exercise!)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Royal Fit Week 1 (April 4th -11th)

Work Outs for the week:

100 jump rope for time set a stop watch and go! write down your time (do this 1 or 2 times this week)

100 Squats
100 Push Ups
100 Sit ups
You should do this many of each excercise this week, in any combination just get them done. See the video links below for proper technique since I can't demonstrate in person.

Sit up Video:

Squat Video (you are going for FORM not speed, there is a lot of speed in this video, speed comes later)

Push Up Video (you can and should drop to your knees if you are sacrificing form!)